Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The representation of women in magazines through the decades till Essay

The representation of women in magazines through the decades till today - Essay Example Many of the texts based on the portrayal of women have discussed that women in the media have been routinely subject to symbolic annihilation. The media stereotyped women roles. Social scientists like Tuchman et al were of the opinion that media like advertisement, films, news and all other media content focus on the traditional domestic roles of women and treat women as objects of sexual pleasure. Margaret Gallagher in a study funded by the UNESCO had explained the reason why women have remained concerned about the image of women in the media. In this context it may be said that, â€Å"The†¦ are potentially powerful agents of socialization and social change- presenting models, conferring status, suggesting appropriate behaviors, encouraging stereotypes† (Byerly and Ross, 2006, p. 17). Thus one can understand why the media portrayal of women have become subjects of concern for the feminists and has continued till the present day of post modernism. Rather it can be said that these issues have contributed to both the academic and popular feminist struggles. In fact feminists believe that media has more power in the present age and as a result has more influence on the image of women (Byerly and Ross, 2006, pp. 17-18; Chambers, Steiner, & Fleming 2004). The first wave of feminism centered on traditional movements for civil rights. With the publication of The Feminine Mystique Betty Friedan broke the traditional role of women and the cherished role of the timid housewife, which was the dream, and envy of the American young women (Kemp & Squires, 1998, p.3). The 50s brought about a discontent in this image of women amongst the women themselves. There was a rising dissatisfaction, which was inexplicable by the women. The stay-at-home role of women has been criticized under the influence of the second wave of feminism during the 70s and 80s (Bradley, 2007, p.1). At this time of publication the world of media comprised of essentially three categories – television, radio and morning newspapers, which launched women’s pages, engaged in homemaking and care giving. Other forms of media include Time, a weekly news magazine, Life, a weekly issued picture magazine and other magazines like Ladies’ Home Journal and Good Housekeeping, which essentially made the women their target audience (Poindexter and Meraz, 2008, p.3). The names themselves suggest the traditional concepts of gender roles. With time however, the concepts of ‘gender gap’ (related to differences in educational performance and pay between men and women) and ‘gender-bending’ have been explored by journalists to analyze the relationships between men and women (Bradley, 2007, p.2). The paper analyses the representation of women in magazines with respect to the way it affects their social identity When the First World War began in 1914, women witnessed a fall in the stereotyped traditional differences between the economic enviro nment and private sentiments. Men found an escape route from the social financial and sexual duties subjugated within the feminine household and found solace in more typically masculine areas of work like navy and army. The spaces assigned to women during this time were mainly domestic or home based. The war somehow curtailed the women’s movements for suffrage and other campaigns though these formed the backdrop for the activities of women during this wartime. The article â€Å"

Monday, October 28, 2019

Genetically Modified Food Should Be Limited Essay Example for Free

Genetically Modified Food Should Be Limited Essay Cigarettes and alcohol belong to the products with unhealthy substances which annually kill thousands people over the world. Many countries try to solve this global problem through the various campaigns or controversial advertisements. Governments attempt to make people conscious of all negatives of these products. However, this is not a case of genetically modified food. A lot of people are unaware of the content of genetically modified food, which they have been buying and eating every day for several years. New kinds of allergies or various types of diseases star spreading in some countries and a lot of people can not find any reason for getting them. Genetically modified food should belimited because of negative effects on environment, economy, people and society. Lack of information about genetically modified food causes that people do not have any possibility to make the same informed choice; therefore, this nontraditional food should have some limits. There are still a lot of people who have no idea about products which they buy and consume. When people go shopping to supermarkets, they can find great looking fruit, vegetable or meat; however, they can not see a label of GMF. For example, the US is one of the countries which do not require labeling. According to Britanny Shoot (2009), â€Å"the governmental and industry opposition to mandatory labeling has long been rooted in several arguments:† that production cost would be rapidly raised by labeling because of other monitoring of facilities; â€Å"that GM labels will signal safety or nutritional problems for consumers only accustomed to seeing nutritional information on labels and should therefore not be included† and that other labels â€Å"GM† and â€Å"GM-free† would be required. Therefore, production of genetically modified food should have some boundars if there are still countries in which people are not informed about this harmful food. Another point is that, genetically modified food could trigger a lot of different kind of diseases. When scientists have discovered GMF, it was progress in not only science but also sociaty. However, the first illnesses have appeared, since selling of genetically modified food spread over the world. For example, different kinds of allergies or cancers are the most dangerous diseases which could be caused by genetically modified food. According to Myron Stagman, PhD (2006), genetic modification avoid Evolution`s safeguard and can lead to growth of pathogens which often cause recorded, but unpublicized fatal disease epidemics. So people can suffer from some disease without consciousness that it could be caused by GMF. There is an untested virus gene in some GMF that could be toxic and harmful to not only people but also animals. (cited in Virus in GMF, 2013). Therefore, people could not be sure of effects of genetically modified food which they eat. In summary, this nontraditional food should not be without limits. It is also remarkable that genetically modified food could have negative effects on economy. There is a decrease in United State maize exports to the European Union from the beginning of production of GM crops. â€Å"Experts went a high of 2.8 million tons in 1995-96 to virtually nothing during 2000-01. That is a dramatic economic impact on U.S. farmers.† This is information from the source (C. Frompovich 2010). So production of genetically modified food could be slack and incapable to bring yield in some countries. GE crops, which are used commercially, do not support growth of the yield potential of a variety. They might even decline. â€Å"Perhaps the biggest issue raised by these results is how to explain the rapid adoption of GE crops when farm financial impacts appear to be mixed or even negative.† This is information from the source (GMF – renewed, 2008). Thus, genetically modified food should disappear from the market or be limited. Another claim is that genetically modified food may cause environmental dangerous changes. These shifts are related to not only people but also other organisms. An increased level of estrogen is caused by glyphosate, which is used in crops as resistance to weed. It could have harmful and long term effects on all mammals, including people which are very sensitive to the raised rate of estrogen. This is information from the source (Top 10 dangers of GMF, 2009). So, this nontraditional food can contain toxic substances which could cause to some animals harmful effects or deaf. According to Deborah B. Withman (2002), a lot of butterfly caterpillars die because of pollen from b.t. corn. The problem is that butterfly caterpillars which do not eat corn, but milkweed plants, could die because â€Å"pollen from b.t. corn is blown by the wind onto milkweed plants in neighboring fields.† Thus, genetically modified food and his production should be limited. However, the low cost of production and lower selling prices for more food stimulate a lot of people to consider this nontraditional food as the potential solution to the lack of food or even hunger. Therefore, there are still a lot of exponents, who believe that genetically modified food is very beneficial for human beings. While they can be right, there are still a lot of negatives of this controversial food. Some studies have shown that this nontraditional food can cause problems with human digestive system. The incorporation of some substances can interact badly with one another in food. In addition, GMF could cause poisoning, because the modification of certain genes could produce plant substances whichare difficult to digest at all. It is true that genetically modified food could be a solution of hunger and can help in case of the lack of food, but actually this nontraditional food could have several negative effects. Therefore, it should be limited because of negative impacts on humans, their health, environment and economy. It is usually good to invent something new but an advance for scientists do not have to be an advance for all humans. Reference Brittany Shoot (2009, November 25). GMO or No: Problematic Intersections of Religion, Biotechnology, and Food. Retrieved February 16, 2013, from Religiondispatches: Stagman, M. Phd. (2006). GMO Disease Epidemics: Bt-cotton Fiber Disease. Retrieved February 16, 2013, from Portland: Virus in GM food could be dangerous. (2013, February 8). Retrieved February 12, 2013, from Unknowncountry: Catherine J Frompovich. (2010, June 23). Economic Issues Surrounding Genetically Modified Foods. Retrieved February 15, 2013, from Infowars: Genetically modified (GM) foods renewed threat to Europe. (2008, December). Retrieved February 16, 2013, from Bangmfood: Top 10 dangers of genetically modified food. (2009, April). Retrieved February 15, 2013, from Invigorate306: Deborah B. Withman. (2000, April). Genetically Modified Foods: Harmful or Helpful? Retrieved February 15, 2013, from CSA:

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Alexanders divinity Essay -- essays research papers

What evidence is there that Alexander may have believed that he was of divine descent? And how convincing would this evidence have appeared to one of his followers? From studying the sources of the ancient world that talk about Alexander The Great, it is clear that many of them present Alexander as being some type of heroic figure or Demi-god. However you could question whether Alexander believed this himself. Only by studying his actions and the actions of those around him can we draw any type of conclusion on this matter. This can be done through the use of sources that exist from the time of and around his death. Most of these sources have been lost or are incomplete however, so I feel that it would be best to mainly consult the sources of Arrian and Plutarch Although both of these were written a couple of hundred years after Alexander’s death they are still the most complete. Plus Arrian would seem to have many sources to consult in his writing, all from Alexander’s time. His main two sources were Ptolemy and Aristobulus, both of whom were on Alexander’s campaigns. Plutarch’s account is more a biography than a his tory since it is full of stories and anecdotes, however it contains some information that Arrian doesn’t so it is still a worthy source to consult. In this it would first be prudent to study all those events in Alexander’s life, which would seem to suggest that he did have some belief that he was of divine origin. The primary example of this would appear to be his visit to the shrine of Ammon. While in Egypt, Alexander had an urge to visit the temple since he wanted to consult the oracle there, which had a ‘reputation for infallibility’. Arrian also states that both Perseus and Heracles had consulted it at some point. And since it is clear from Arrian’s account that Alexander longed to duplicate, if not surpass, the feats of both Perseus and Heracles, so surely he must consult this oracle too. Arrian (book 3) claims that ‘the blood of both flowed’ within Alexander, which suggests that Arrian was of the opinion that Alexander did have some divine heritage since Heracles was supposedly the son of Zeus. In any case, Arrian also states that Alexander also visited the temple because he himself felt that he might be descended from Ammon in some way. If this is true then it would certainly seem that Alexander did in some way believe that he was of d... ... countries that he defeated. Alexander, being the great tactician that he was must have realised the benefits of people believing that he was more than just a great ruler and actually connected to the gods themselves. As far as the beliefs of his followers go, I believe that the willingness of the Persians to prostrate themselves in front of him and his Macedonian troops loyalty were important indicators. This is seen when they followed him across the vast desert in which the temple of Ammon was situated, just to answer the question of whether or not he did descend from the Egyptian god; this suggests that they too believed in his claim to being of divine descent. And it can be seen that there are not many men that were as revered and honoured by the people of the time as Alexander was. Leaving no doubt in my mind that both Alexander and his followers were convinced that he was of divine descent and that they felt that he was worthy of all the tribute that was paid to him after he died. Word count: 3298  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Traning and Placement Project Report on Asp.Net

CHAPTER 1 1. ABSTRACT The Campus Recruitment database project has been specially designed to handle the recruitment needs before the start of recruitment. This project can be considered as a digital diary with many other features embedded in it. This project is used to keep records of candidate, companies and colleges and provide other useful information. The main emphasis is given about the candidate record. In this project we store the all information undergoing at the time of campus recruitment program . There is mainly three users are company, collage and candidate. ompany comes in the collage for recruitment and the collage organize the campus recruitment program for the candidate . The company contact to the TPO of the collage for the recruitment and collage give the notice in the. Newspaper for the recruitment program for the candidate knowledge. This is also used by the company see the previous performance of the candidate. There are a lot of companies, which are taking recru itment for candidate . They chooses the candidate on the basis of the different skill. The company can recruit the candidate for the different jobs.It is hoped that with all the characteristics the project will be found useful to the all recruitment companies as well as candidate and college. CHAPTER 2 2. INTRODUCTION 2. 1 PROBLEM STATEMENT We are making this project to overcome the problem of tpo and company and candidate in the campus selection process we are providing the three user in this project first tpo login who can maintanethe whole record of college and student. Second login of company login and third login is student login. This will beneficial for Take complete record of the college about its name and address of it.Maintaining record of the contact person for a particular college. Maintaining records about all the company which is comes for taking recruitment and the vacancy for the particular jobs. Maintaining records about candidate who are sitting in any campus. What is their performance on any previous campus. Maintaining records of vacant position of different companies and the particular skill record required for that position. Maintaining record about the date in which issue recruitment occur and also about the newspaper in which notice is issued. 2. 2 AIMThe Campus Recruitment database project has been specially designed to handle the recruitment needs before the start of recruitment. This project can be considered as a digital diary with many other features embedded in it. This project is used to keep records of candidate, companies and colleges and provide other useful information. Take complete record of the college about its name and address of it. Maintaining record of the contact person for a particular college. Maintaining records about all the company which is comes for taking recruitment and the vacancy for the particular jobs.Maintaining records about candidate who are sitting in any campus. What is their performance on any previ ous campus. Maintaining records of vacant position of different companies and the particular skill record required for that position. Maintaining record about the date in which issue recruitment occurs and also about the newspaper in which notice is issued. 2. 3 STUDY OF CURRENT SYSTEM The Campus Recruitment database project has been specially designed to handle the recruitment needs before the start of recruitment. This project can be considered as a digital diary with many other features embedded in it.This project is used to keep records of candidate, companies and colleges and provide other useful information. In this project we are maintaining the all record of the student to make the easier in the selection process and providing the all information of the college and student. to make the easier the selection process in company we are making this project. CHAPTER 3 3. FEASIBILITY STUDY Feasibility reports describe one or more design solutions to a specific problem and determine if the proposed solution is practical and feasible.Preferably, more than one solution is offered, in which case the report compares the various designs and determines which option is best. Design and feasibility reports are essentially the same type of document, differing only in the amount of emphasis placed on practical and economic viability of the design in comparison with other possible solutions. A design report, often very similar to an internal proposal, focuses on describing one specific implementation. A feasibility study, on the other hand, also emphasizes the investigation and comparison of alternative solutions.Design reports and feasibility reports are crucial for decision making and product development in almost any technical organization. They document an engineer's thinking through a solution to a problem, a description of the solution, and the reasons why that solution should be implemented. Managers need accurate and comprehensive feasibility and design reports t o decide where to commit scarce resources. In addition, an accurate and comprehensive design report helps in developing other documents, such as formal proposals, specifications, and work plans. 3. 1 OPERATIONAL FEASIBILITYIn this project we are providing the help to the company for selection process and tpo to maintain the all record which are record the company for selection and all the material of company written papers and hr round question and technical question which will help to the student to prepare for the selection. it think this project will be helpful for company ,tpo and student. 3. 2 TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY For the design and development of the system, several software products have been accommodated.  · Database design –sql server, Interface design – . NET Framework. , Coding – C# or any other supported Language.This software’s have the  enough efficiency in  producing  the system. Therefore the project is technically feasible. 3. 3 ECONOMICAL FEASIBILITY This softaware will be good in economically because it reduse the company effort to know about the college andabout the student for the selection process. inthis software this software available company peppers will help to the student for the selection and save money the attend any coaching for the company preparation andthis will be also help to the tpo to maintain the record of the student instead of the hard copy. is software ecinomacally is good it take not more spacein the ram and hard disk and maintenances’ also easy. CHAPTER 4 4. ANALYSIS & MODELING The first step in developing anything is to state the requirements. This applies just as much to leading edge research as to simple programs and to personal programs, as well as to large team efforts. Being vague about your objective only postpones decisions to a later stage where changes are much more costly. The problem statement should state what is to be done and not how it is to be done. It shou ld be a statement of needs, not a proposal for a solution.A user manual for the desired system is a good problem statement. The requestor should indicate which features are mandatory and which are optional, to avoid overly constraining design decisions. The requestor should avoid describing system internals, as this restricts implementation flexibility. Performance specifications and protocols for interaction with external systems are legitimate requirements. Software engineering standards, such as modular construction, design for testability, and provision for future extensions, are also proper.Many problems statements, from individuals, companies, and government agencies, mixture requirements with design decisions. There may sometimes be a compelling reason to require a particular computer or language; there is rarely justification to specify the use of a particular algorithm. The analyst must separate the true requirements from design and implementation decisions disguised as req uirements. The analyst should challenge such pseudo requirements, as they restrict flexibility.There may be politics or organizational reasons for the requirements, but at least the analyst should recognize that these externally imposed design decisions are not essential features of the problem domain. A problem statement may have more or less detail. A requirement for a conventional product, such as a payroll program or a billing system, may have considerable detail. A requirement for a research effort in a new area may lack many details, but presumably the research has some objective, which should be clearly stated. Most problem statements are ambiguous, incomplete, or even inconsistent.Some requirements are just plain wrong. Some requirements, although precisely stated, have unpleasant consequences on the system behaviour or impose unreasonable implementation costs. Some requirements seem reasonable at first but do not work out as well as the request or thought. The problem state ment is just a starting point for understanding the problem, not an immutable document. The purpose of the subsequent analysis is to fully understand the problem and its implications. There is no reasons to expect that a problem statement prepared without a fully analysis will be correct. 4. 1 DOMAIN ANALYSISThis software is dependent on manual updation regularly without updating its nothing means in this software required to update student information by the tpo and college information. Companies exam pattern and papper. need to work in company login. 4. 2 APPLICATION ANALYSIS This software is very usefull for the tpo. tpo can manage the student record for the campus recruitment by the use of this software tpo can manage the all record of the student and keep the all information of the college for the company need. it is also very good software for the company by the use of this softaware company can update recruitment in the software.CHAPTER 5 5. DATA FLOW DIAGRAM CHAPTER 6 6. SYS TEM ENVIRONMENT The system environment specifies the technical specification of requirements for the developing software. The goal of this, it completely and consistently specifies the requirements for the software products in a concise and unambiguous manner 6. 1 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS RAM: 512 MB (Recommended) Processor: Pentium III 450 MHz Hard Disk Space: 3. 5 GB (Includes 500 MB free space on disk) 6. 2 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS Operating System: Windows 2000 or Windows XP. Sql server. .net frame work CHAPTER 7 7. ADVANTAGES Take complete record of the college about its name and address of it. †¢ Maintaining record of the contact person for a particular college. †¢ Maintaining records about all the company which is comes for taking recruitment and the vacancy for the particular jobs. †¢ Maintaining records about candidate who are sitting in any campus. What is their performance on any previous campus? †¢ Maintaining records of vacant position of different compani es and the particular skill record required for that position. †¢ Maintaining record about the date in which issue a recruitment occur nd also about the newspaper in which notice is issued. 7. DISADVANTAGES †¢ Minimum 512 mb ram required for this project. †¢ Minimum 3. 5 gb hard disk required for this project. †¢ It cannot run below p4 processor. †¢ Maintenance required for this software. CHAPTER 8 8. BIBLIOGRAPHY †¢ Asp. net unleashed: stephen walther †¢ Sql server 2000: mike gunderloy †¢ Sams teach yourself c#. net in 21 days †¢ Programming asp. net: jesse liberty †¢ Beginning c#. net: richard blair ———————– Tpo Con-tact COLLEGE Company Recruit STORE DATAbase ISSUE ISSUE Skills Newspaper JOBS Candidate NOTICE

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

AIDS awareness advocacy advertisement.

Hannan Qistina Amir Hamzah 11200770816th April 2013 AIDS awareness advocacy advertisement. Kenneth Cole has come out with more than one advocacy advertisement to bring an issue to the centre. The First was AIDS awareness ad in 1985. He mainly focuses on the issue of AIDS, to increase public awareness of his views on how important to prevent it. He tried really hard to make people understand about the AIDS issue through his advertisement. The tagline for the ad was ‘For the future of our children’.In the ad, the models were not wearing shoes because Kenneth Cole was not promoting or selling his product but focus on the issue. He does not bother spending very large amounts of money onto his advocacy ad. General reaction to the first AIDS ad. There is a lot of criticism that Kenneth Cole have gotten from his AID ad. People ask a lot of questions, they will question the message of the ad, the rationality of the ad because the issue was very controversial. People will read hi s ad the way they wanted because everyone has their own perceptions.Even though there are lot of criticism, Kenneth Cole has the courage to argue and stand for his ideas because to him it is important. Besides that, what he felt about the social issue, the AIDS can be reflected through his ad. AIDS awareness is something that he really cares about and really focuses on the issue genuinely. Kenneth Cole also take his AIDS ad as an opportunity to say what is important that may can give differences on people’s lives. Value relationship This advocacy advertisement can also help to establish relationship with the constituents.Furthermore, advocacy advertising is designed to capture the eye and to win hearts and minds of the constituencies. The goal is that after they have being exposed to the AIDS awareness ad, they may take a position on the issue and felt that it is important too, and may be persuaded to change opinions about the issue. Kenneth Cole said that he believed that he could say something important and might help and impact people’s lives and make a difference. By creating an advocacy ad can allow new facts, arguments or even action that the government should take.Brand loyalty What Kenneth Cole has gotten from his advocacy ad is that it will eventually help to raise awareness of the company, brand loyalty because by taking care of the community can enhance the Cole’s company, and most importantly about advocacy issue. Other than that, is getting people to act the way he thinks people should act. It is to influence people’s opinion towards his advocacy ad or about the issue that he is focuses on like the AID awareness on 1985. Visit mothers with aids in Cape Town.Kenneth Cole went to Cape Town to visit the AIDS centre and the treatment centre to support all the AIDS patients. With his visit, it shows that he really cares about the AIDS awareness and really cares about the issue to help people just what he said in his ad. He i s not only producing an advocacy advertisement. From the visit, he has gain more knowledge about how the international actions around AIDS, he has knew that AIDS exist globally nad know how to address the issue locally.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Power and the Glory of the Roman Empire Essays

The Power and the Glory of the Roman Empire Essays The Power and the Glory of the Roman Empire Paper The Power and the Glory of the Roman Empire Paper I am greatly marveled by the wonderful pictures and information the article tackles on certain details of the Roman world where textbooks normally take for granted. Such examples mentioned in the article, covers what Romans do in their leisure time and details on the structure of the city, which then leads to how its leaders turned Rome to be one of the richest, and most powerful metropolises the world has ever witnessed. It is a good thing that the author started on the foundation of the topic by defining the terminologies and then interconnecting it with other issues. The author presented such information of Rome, its culture, its magnificent blueprint of the city and the other aspects of certain power and strategies manipulated by its leaders, with such creativity that a normal textbook lack. Thus, making it more interesting to read alongside its pictures that reassure us of the glory of the whole Roman Empire. The article is supported by additional information like the formation of the calendar, Marcus Licinius Crassus and the city of Pompey. As I read the part about Pompey, I cant help but imagine it happening before my eyes and be heartbroken by the whole event and at same time, I marvel at the remains of this city. The information unearthed in this city adds to what there was in a Roman town back then. How such work of art also serves as public signs. The actual seeds and pollens seen here tell us what people were eating, another is the minerals in paint and vegetable dyes in scraps of cloth, which reveals about their trade patterns. Another is how Pompeii carries out traffic flow, when examined; the researchers concluded that Romans had one-way streets and no left turn intersections. And lastly, the article describes how such locations played a major role in history, where struggles of order were played out. Combining all these information, I believe that technology also helped in the way of saving these artifacts and also digging carefully and efficiently. For a couple of decades now the leaders of Europe have been struggling to implement a revolutionary and furiously controversial concept: a single European currency. Governments have fallen, fists have flown, and bitter curses have been exchanged in a variety of Romance and Germanic languages over this visionary idea. So explosive are the politics of the proposed Euro that the notion of a single coinage for so many different peoples is an impossible dream. I strongly disagree with T. R. Reids statement, I believe that such revolutionary concept is possible, for there was a time when the Roman Empire has a single currency, a single code and a single Emperor. Rome had a signal achievement in the sheer art of governing. Just like how the Greeks tried and tested all kinds of governing concepts and given us descriptions about it, the Romans, already experienced such revolution. The only roadblock to making this concept come alive is arguments that governments raise about, may it be for their own benefit or their defeat. As Rome is best known to be the most rich and powerful metropolis that the world has witnessed then, there is an assurance to such concept. As a student is drowsed by the unending textbooks and definitions, I believe that this article will alleviate such problem and aid a student in their quest for knowledge. Such information is discussed with illustrations, with pride and excitement that you cant help but be attracted more to the Roman Empire. In this article I believe just the same that a student will be able to put together all the facts that they have learned, link it with the textbook and this additional information and great illustrations on the city of Rome which technology has structured out for us. The article focuses on events that caused certain turnabouts, and also gives us a timeline of the 1st Emperor-Augustus up to Constantine. I say this with zest because I myself have been attracted to such wonder.

Monday, October 21, 2019

So You Want to Study Abroad (6 Things to Consider)

So You Want to Study Abroad (6 Things to Consider) So You Want to Study Abroad (6 Things to Consider) More and more people choose to study abroad these days. And why not? You get to travel, meet new people, learn about a different culture and earn a college degree at the same time! But studying abroad requires a bit of preparation, so make sure you’ve considered the following factors†¦ 1. Length of Placement Different placements are available depending on how long you want to spend studying abroad. This ranges from a few weeks or a single semester, to full degree programs for those who want to really throw themselves into an overseas experience! 2. Where to Go This is the big one! Where should you study? Some of the most common places for U.S. students to study are in Europe, but it’s possible to study almost anywhere in the world, with other popular destinations including Canada, Mexico, Japan, China and Australia. As well as your personal interest in wherever you decide to study, practical factors to consider include your familiarity with the language (both of the country and the language of instruction), the lifestyle and culture of the place where you’ll be studying, and the tuition and living costs involved. If you really cant decide, throw a dart at a world map and see where it sticks. [Image: Mason Vanks Maps/wikimedia] 3. The Program Once you know where you want to study and the length of placement you’d prefer, it’s time to start looking at different programs. If you’re simply studying abroad for part of your degree, your best option will usually be to apply for a program run by your college. If you want to study abroad for your entire degree, you’ll have to research your chosen destination and apply as an international student. 4. Funding If you have the money to pay for your studies already, you can skip this one. But many of us with dreams of studying abroad would appreciate a little financial help, so it’s worth researching whether funding is available. 5. Entry Requirements and Qualifications The application process for studying abroad differs from institution to institution, so make sure you check carefully and understand the requirements. This will include having the academic qualifications necessary to study your chosen course, as well as providing a resume, a letter of recommendation and possibly proof that you can speak the language of instruction. Some colleges and universities also set admissions tests. The most important thing is starting the application early enough, as that will give you enough time to organize everything before you’re due to begin your studies! 6. Travel Arrangements The final step, once you’ve been accepted on a course, is to organize the travel. And there’s lots to do before booking your flights, including sorting out a visa, making sure you have a valid passport and working out your living arrangements for once you arrive. As with the entry requirements, the key here is knowing what you need to do before travelling to the country where you’ll be studying, as well as leaving plenty of time to make the arrangements. And then its just a case of Bon voyage!

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Cold Read for an Audition

How to Cold Read for an Audition Imagine that you are at an audition. The casting director hands you a script that you have never read before. Now, he or she expects you to look at the lines for about a minute and then somehow deliver your characters lines brilliantly. That’s cold reading. It does sound rather chilling, doesn’t it? But follow these steps and you’ll eventually warm up to the idea. Research the Material If you are auditioning for a movie or television show, you might not be able to read the script in advance, but don’t let that stop you from researching the role. Use the internet, trade magazines like Variety and Hollywood Reporter, and any other sources to find out about the storyline and the character types that the directors might be looking for. If you are auditioning for a play, you should be able to obtain a copy of the script. (Try your local library or, if the play is a classic that is in the public domain, do an Internet search.) If you can read the play in advance, do so. Get to know the characters inside and out. Practice reading the lines. If you’re truly ambitious, memorize a few key scenes or monologues. Another excellent resource is YouTube. Do a search for the plays title and you will often find several videos of scenes from the play. If you can do this, then you’ll be a step ahead of other actors who have no idea what the play is about. Don’t Block Your Face This is a simple, but an incredibly important piece of advice. Because the script will be in your hands during your audition, you might be tempted to hold the words right in front of your face. Don’t. The director wants to see your facial expressions. If you hide behind the script, you’ll never get the part. Relax This is good advice for auditions in general. If your nerves get the better of you, the director might see that script shaking in your hand. You want to try not to look and sound uncomfortable or tense - even if you are. Does this step just stress you out even more? Then you should take some time to learn how to relax. Remember also that most directors realize how stressful auditioning is for actors. If during your audition you feel you have completely blown it, you can ask to start over. The answer is often yes. Practice Reading Aloud This kind of practice is essential to mastering cold reading. Whenever you get the chance, read out loud. And don’t just read the words in a monotone voice, read the words with emotion. Read the words â€Å"in character.† Find opportunities to read to others: Read storybooks to children.Read magazine articles to friends.Read poetry to your family.Read this article out loud to your computer. The more you read aloud, the more natural your voice will sound. Remember, the challenge of cold reading is to sound as though you are saying those written words spontaneously. Practice provides increased confidence. Move While You Read During a cold read audition, most actors stand still as they read from the script. However, if it seems appropriate for your character to move, feel free to move. Therefore, as you practice reading aloud, make certain you incorporate natural movements. Nothing extreme, nothing too distracting. Go with what feels right, or what the stage directions indicate. Remember, body language is also a major part of the audition. Listen and React Many â€Å"cold readers† mistakenly look down at their script while their fellow actors are delivering their lines. Instead, you should be in character, listening and reacting to their words. Much of your audition relies on how you respond to the other characters. Be Creative and Receptive to New Ideas There are limitless ways to read a scene or monologue. Show your creativity by developing unique characters. The director may ask you to read the part in a different way. Embrace the director’s suggestions and demonstrate what a team player you can be. Your creativity, your cold reading skills, and your professionalism will all help you during your auditions. Break a leg!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Federal Rules of Evidence Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Federal Rules of Evidence - Article Example The two police handcuffs and the gun were illegally in the accused hands; there was no other explanation behind such possession of such items other than to cause malice and harm. Therefore, by the mere position of the police assortment, the accused had the intent to commit a crime, which could most likely be explained to be a kidnap. Moreover, the cruel treatment of the victim at the hands of the defendant could be reliable evidence to portray the accused to have had no other intention other than to kill Ms. Woodward. Wallace (2013) explains that circumstantial evidence does not need to prove anything by itself, but has the power to point to the right direction, by proving something related to the question at hand. Consequently, the ill-treatment of Ms. Woodward in the case points to the direction of intention to commit murder or grievous harm to the victim. The accused had handcuffed the victim, placed her at the back of the vehicle in an inhuman treatment. Moreover, when the victim inquired the intention behind the defendant’s actions after realizing he was not a police and tried to escape, the accused rained blows on her head several times and covered her face. The victim was dizzy from the received blows. After opening the door finally, the defendant did not stop driving but continued while the victim tumbled on the ground heavily. These incidents lead to the conclusion that the defendant was indeed preparing to commit murder or grievous harm, similar to the case of the 24-year-old Imette st. Guillen.

The Process of Demolition of Concrete Frame Structure Article

The Process of Demolition of Concrete Frame Structure - Article Example There are various ways of carrying out a demolition. Hydraulic excavators, wrecking balls, grapplers, shears, sawing and drilling machines, and crushers are some of the machines and equipments normally used in demolitions. The process varies depending on the scope and nature of work involved. For removal of few slabs and walls, hammers, sawing and drilling machines suffice. For smaller two or three floor constructions, the process of reverse construction demolition may also be feasible if there is sufficient time duration and the process for demolition of the foundation is also manageable with the use of small excavators. However, for complete buildings and multi-storey structures, it becomes necessary to used heavy excavators, grapplers, shears and wrecking balls. The size and range of the heavy machines vary according to the size of the structure. The actual process begins with removal of recyclable material like electrical wires and fittings, asbestos, etc. The pre-demolition activities may not be all that easy as they appear. Hence, there must be proper assessment done to ascertain the nature of dismantling involved in the preliminary activities besides electrical fittings and water connections. (Tower Building for Demolition) The pavements around the building structure may need to be broken up. It is necessary to remove the pavement before the actual demolition of the structure so that the ground is smoothened and ready for foundation of the new structure to be laid. Demolition of the concrete framework The job of breaking and crushing the framework follows as the final blow. However, the demolition of walls and columns is not the final task in the demolition process although it is the main job. After the demolition the broken structure has to be crushed by a special crushing machine. The debris is separated from steel and other recyclable material and shipped out for use in road construction or landfills. The demolition is normally done in three ways; by hydraulic excavators, wrecking balls, or implosion. Hydraulic excavators These are mobile wreckers with long and broad steel 'arms' with which the structure is hit from several directions and angles. The structure crashes under the impact of constant and persistent blows of the excavator. Hydraulic excavators function like the human arm. The end point of the excavator is versatile and could be fixed with a bucket, scissor, drill or a crusher. (What are Hydraulic Excavators) Wrecking balls The wrecking balls are huge steel balls weighing 1000 lbs. and above. With the use of a crane the huge steel balls are swung at the structures resulting in the demolition by the blows of the ball. However, wrecking balls are

Friday, October 18, 2019

Civil Liberties, Habeas Corpus, and the War on Terror Essay

Civil Liberties, Habeas Corpus, and the War on Terror - Essay Example 67). In fact, habeas corpus has proved to be much of a political tool as it is a tool of the law. Generally, habeas corpus is the all-important right the constitution gives to people in the USA; a judicial authorization for prisoners to appear before a court of law for the determination of the legality of their detention by the government. (Doyle, 2006, P. 26) In other terms, such detainees or their representative have the right to petition the court for such summon. Though there are instances when the constitution allows for the suspension of habeas corpus, certain unlawful suspensions have been recorded in the history of the US. A case in which habeas corpus may be constitutionally suspended is during a rebellion or an invasion of public security/safety. Illustrations of the instances in which habeas corpus was suspended include during the fight against the Ku Klux Klan in parts of South Carolina, and during the War on Terror. Current studies on habeas corpus have shifted from the traditional judicial view of habeas corpus to the more recent political view of the subject. In fact, these political views and studies on habeas corpus emphasize the role and effects of the president, the congress, political parties, federal/state governments, legal academics, and interest groups (Fisher, 2003, P. 119). These politically oriented studies, for example, have looked into how political parties and the congress have used and suspended the habeas corpus to establish and enforce their opinions on constitutional governance and to undo the legacies of predecessor congresses and governments. This paper explores the habeas corpus with regards to its meaning, history, and applicability in the war on terror, in the Supreme Court, by the Congress, by the president, its use to protect civil liberties, and its suspension since historical times. The Meaning and the Historical Evolution of Habeas Corpus As mentioned earlier, writ of habeas corpus refers to a legally implementable or der by a court of law to a law enforcement or prison official demanding that a detainee be presented before the court for the determination of the lawfulness of the detention/imprisonment (Irons, 1999, P. 13). Habeas corpus thus helps in determining whether a detainee or a prisoner should continue to be detained or imprisoned. The petition must however prove that the detention in question has a legal or factual fault. The right of habeas corpus is thus a constitutional right bestowed on an individual who must show evidences of a wrongful imprisonment in a court of law. Initially, there was a wrong notion that habeas corpus has its origin in the 17th century Magna Charter, which declared that no free man should be imprisoned or have his freedom, liberties, customs banned, exiled, shattered, or shortened without lawful judgment according to the laws of the land or by the judgment of his/her peers (Irons, 1999, P. 19). The origin of habeas corpus in the 17th century has however been di sputed by historians who opine that habeas corpus was first recorded in 1305 during the reign of King Edward I of England. In fact, other sources state that habeas corpus first appeared in the 12th century and were issued by King Henry II. The basis of these earlier writs was that the King would be held responsible for any suspension or restraining of citizen’s liberties. The King was also responsible for deciding when such

HMI Systems Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

HMI Systems - Research Paper Example These human machine interface systems do give people ability to control operations, a system or processes. They incorporate all the necessary features enabling a user to touch, hear, see, or even use them to do certain control operations while receiving instant feedback at the same time. An environment of harmonious and efficient process is created. Communication with these machines is achieved in various ways and the most dominant ones are through hard wired connections, wireless or Wi-Fi connections or even serial bus connections. The technologies used in these connections to link the applications to HMI would be of greater impact on the operator and the whole system. Most of the time, it is required that these HMI machines are given the right instructions in order to ensure effective performance and avoid disasters. They work on the simple analogy of ‘garbage in garbage out’ where if bad data is fed in, bad information is processed and disseminated. Communication is a n important tool and if not well used, it could be the source of serious problems in any operation1. Tenerife airport disaster of 1977 involving two Boeing 747 passenger aircrafts could mainly be attributed to poor communication and other leadership issues that were not addressed in time. This paper takes a look at the horrific crash from the perspective of a manager and tries to establish its metaphorical aspect in terms of leadership during turbulent times; considers the barriers to effective decision-making process; actions the pilots of both aircraft should have taken to avoid the crash; translation of these actions to successful corporate leadership; and derives certain fundamental lessons that should be learnt from this incidence. Leadership is a simple term but its effects are very great and might define failure or success of any business or operation. The effects of poor leadership are always very detrimental. 2.0 Antecedent events and final details of the March 27, 1977 cra sh of KLM 4805 and Pan Am 1736 at Tenerife in the Canary Islands These two aircrafts had been diverted from Gran Canaria Airport following a bomb explosion. The fear of further bombings led to many aircrafts being parked along the taxiway and thus blocking it. A very dense fog developed and these added problems to the already worse situation since visibility was highly reduced and the aircrafts could not locate each other and the controller normally at the tower also failed to see the taxiway and there was no radar on the ground. Only voice reports via could be used to communicate with pilots. There was total miscommunication during takeoff and the pilot of KLM tried taking off. The runway was also obstructed by the refueling vehicle and the KLM aircraft which made it hard for the Pan Am aircraft to get around the fueling point. Routine procedures for takeoff were done by the KLM captain and the co-pilot did advice the captain that they had not been given the ATC clearance after he witnessed the maneuver and he was told to

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Hunting Methods of Early Man Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Hunting Methods of Early Man - Research Paper Example The major distinguishing feature of Homo habilis is his ability to organize into groups. This idea became possible because of the development of language that eased communication and understanding (Leakey 3). The groupings build more strength and hunting became easier with increased chances of success and low risks of attacks from animals. It is in this stage that man began making and using tools from stones and this is why the name handyman becomes more appropriate in describing him. The tools facilitated the hunting process and made killing easier and this enabled him to start killing bigger animals for food. The tools also gave him an advantage and he could thus fight back in case of any aggression from some other animals. The tools also enabled him to split the prey into smaller pieces to easily, carry the meat to their proffered destination as well as in the preparation of the meat before consumption. This, therefore, enabled him to lead a more settled life compared to the earli er species. However, the man did not establish permanent settlements like towns and cities because from time to time he had to move from one place to another in search of animals to hunt (Leakey 3). Despite feeding on meat, the man also consumed fruits, leaves, roots, insects as well as birds and their eggs. The conditions prevailing in the environment sometimes forced him to resolve into omnivorous especially when there were no animals to hunt. The man hunted in groups, as the chances of succeeding were very low if one hunted alone. They, therefore, used to move together while ganging up on the prey killing with very great force. Homo habilis, just as the other earlier species of man was also a scavenger feeding on fruits and berries that he collected from his environment.

English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

English - Essay Example He wants to find his father, and thinks that a black American soldier is his father, and so he goes to find him. The soldier give him gifts and bring him back to the nuns. The real point of this story, however, is to tell two stories at the same time. The first and simplest story is the search of the boy Joe for his father. The much bigger story is the problem that all human beings have: they need to figure out their own place in the world. The time and the place of the story are explained at the beginning. There is a clue to the universal nature of the themes in the first line when the children are called â€Å"eighty one small sparks of human life.† (line 1) This description emphasizes how important each child is, even though they have been abandoned by their parents. The war has meant that these children are separated from all that they knew, and some of the local German people look at them and wonder what nationality they have. The nuns do not care what nationality the chi ldren have, and just see them as children needing care. There is one child who is given a special name, â€Å"the Brown Bomber† which is the name of a famous black American boxer. This is quite amusing for the people watching but it is not funny for the boy. Actually he has no name. The nuns call him Karl Heinz, which is a very Germanic name. The people watching call him Joe, after Joe Louis, which is an American name, but the boy does not speak English and does not understand that the name belongs to a boxer. It is only when he sees the black soldiers that he realizes there are more people like him: â€Å"I ran away from the orphanage because I belong with you.† (line 193) The sergeant realizes that it is not so simpler and points out that it is not a joke, because the boy is all alone in the world. The setting in Germany is very interesting because the Nazis were very fond of blue eyes and blond hair, thinking that these were signs of a super race. Joe has blue eyes, and he has black skin, and so he holds in his nature two opposite things. He is only six years old (line 30) and it is very sad that he does not know what his real name is, or who his parents are. He learns the truth from one of the older children who tells him that his mother was German and his father was an American soldier. The author does not mention that this was seen as a very shameful thing by the Germans, but the reader can guess this from the nun’s reaction. She explains that no one knows who his parents are, and reassures him, saying that he is a good boy and so they must be good people. The young boy Joe does not even know what an American is, or where that place is, and he has no idea about the ocean. This is a very sad part of the story because he is absolutely lost and abandoned with no idea about his own origins. Children often see the world more accurately than adults, and the story shows that he understands only that he must find out where his own people are . People tease him and say his father is in the woods, but he does not understand the joke and thinks they are being serious. On a deeper level, the story is saying that the American soldiers are, in a way, the father of this lonely little boy. His attachment to one particular man is a symbolic attachment to his ethnic origin, and also to the country of his father. The chocolate that the black soldiers give him is something he has never seen before, and it, too, is a symbol of the good things

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Hunting Methods of Early Man Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Hunting Methods of Early Man - Research Paper Example The major distinguishing feature of Homo habilis is his ability to organize into groups. This idea became possible because of the development of language that eased communication and understanding (Leakey 3). The groupings build more strength and hunting became easier with increased chances of success and low risks of attacks from animals. It is in this stage that man began making and using tools from stones and this is why the name handyman becomes more appropriate in describing him. The tools facilitated the hunting process and made killing easier and this enabled him to start killing bigger animals for food. The tools also gave him an advantage and he could thus fight back in case of any aggression from some other animals. The tools also enabled him to split the prey into smaller pieces to easily, carry the meat to their proffered destination as well as in the preparation of the meat before consumption. This, therefore, enabled him to lead a more settled life compared to the earli er species. However, the man did not establish permanent settlements like towns and cities because from time to time he had to move from one place to another in search of animals to hunt (Leakey 3). Despite feeding on meat, the man also consumed fruits, leaves, roots, insects as well as birds and their eggs. The conditions prevailing in the environment sometimes forced him to resolve into omnivorous especially when there were no animals to hunt. The man hunted in groups, as the chances of succeeding were very low if one hunted alone. They, therefore, used to move together while ganging up on the prey killing with very great force. Homo habilis, just as the other earlier species of man was also a scavenger feeding on fruits and berries that he collected from his environment.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Scenario #1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Scenario #1 - Assignment Example After responding to the patient’s need, the next procedure was for the nurses to relate to the patients pain. Thereafter, effective measures in easing the pain experienced by the patients were to be undertaken by the nurses. Constant monitoring of the patient’s condition and communication with family members could assist in understanding the patient’s condition. Constant monitoring of the patient’s condition in collaboration with health professionals will help in promoting good healthcare for patients (Lemmer, 2009). Documented history of the patient home care is also helpful in improving care since doctors can easily monitor patient condition when he/she is brought to the hospital. Family meeting on the health of the patient assists in toning down the tension and coming up with a common message and feeling towards the health of the patient. In this case, a family meeting would help in appointing a person to collaborate with the nurses and doctors in taking care of the patient. The patient had several signs that caused pain and anguish to the patient while at the same time it led to the death of the patient. The important steps that need to be carried out in managing the patient look into reporting, responding, relating, reasoning and reconstructing. These steps are used in taking care of the pain and managing the patient in the process of providing good healthcare to the patients. In this case, the nurses would have managed the pain suffered by Mrs. H. and then make her comfortable while looking for solutions to each of the symptoms (Lemmer, 2009). The first care step would be to make Mrs. H. comfortable and rehydrate her for the patient to be able to cope with her pain. In this case, stabilizing the patient is quite important for Mrs. H. while at the same time looking for solutions through consultations with doctors and experts. Teaching the family the process of monitoring the

Monday, October 14, 2019

Globalization in the 1970s Essay Example for Free

Globalization in the 1970s Essay Globalization is not a new concept as there have been numerous cycles of globalization stretching as far back as the ancient civilizations. The wave of globalization prior to the oil embargo was after the Second World War. Although this period was marked with rapid economic growth, it came to an end in 1973 after the Arab oil embargo that resulted in a rise in oil prices. Financial globalization particularly can be termed as the integration of country’s local financial system with international financial institutions and markets. The main agents of financial globalization are the governments and hence they need to liberalize any restrictions on their domestic financial sector and capital account of the balance of payments if any form of integration is to take place (Schmulker, 2004:5). Dammasch (2010: 4) asserts that the economic environment in times of globalization changes rapidly with capital movements becoming larger and less controllable. Therefore there is usually a need to create a stabilizing system. The situation after the Second World War which was marked by falling credit institutions, mass unemployment, hyperinflation and bankruptcy of enterprises brought about such a necessity. The Bretton Wood system thereby came into creation. Bretton Woods’s agreement of 1944 was part of the decision by the industrialized countries to restructure themselves after the Second World War and the difficulties encountered especially after the First World War for the purpose of financial globalization. There was a great need for these nations to come up with workable rules and regulations which would direct them in the formulation of national policies that would facilitate the pursuit of common economic objectives (Kenen, 1994:11). The necessity and urgency of this legal structure was collectively agreed upon and accepted as it was viewed as a way of avoiding the negative effects that had marred the inter-war period (King, 2003:30). The Bretton woods years that spanned from 1946-1971 are seen in retrospect as a golden age of capitalism with exchange rate stability and rapid economic growth (King, 2003:30). This is because the system ensured that value of price increases was just and that the exchange rates remained fixed for unlimited periods in all key industrialized countries. Moreover, the national income in the G7 countries rose more rapidly than in any other comparable period. The system ensured long-run price stability for the whole world because the fixed price of gold provided an ostensible anchor to the world’s money supply. Therefore by pegging their currencies to gold, individual nations fixed their prices levels to that of the world (Bordor et al, 1993:1). King, 2003:30 emphasizes that the Bretton Woods system had two main characteristics which were: the existence of a set of rules that consisted of fixed rates of exchange, capital controls and independent policies of domestic macroeconomics on one hand and US domination on the other hand. Capital control as was stipulated in the Bretton Woods system was officially authorized and every government was highly encouraged and had the right and obligation to control its movement of capital. Capital control is the ability of the government to control the in and out flow of capital to and from their country. This meant that bank discount rates were not necessary when the central bank wanted to attract capital inflows or avoid flight of capital. As a consequence, the bank rate is maintained as low as possible (King, 2003:31). However, a country’s domestic economy can be adversely affected through inflation by in and out rapid flow of capital together with fixed rates of exchange. Capital controls essentially prevent rapid outflow of capital and can equip governments with the ‘tools’ to prevent economic crisis in the future. In this system capital control played a significant role whereby it effectively regulated the fixed exchange rate system that had been agreed upon by members during the Bretton Woods agreement. Whenever exchange rates required adjustments capital control was an integral component of the adjustment mechanism. These controls were fundamental to the reconstruction and growth of the international trading system that had been devastated by global depression, the two world wars and hyperinflation. This meant that capital flow was highly restricted with countries prohibiting convertibility. In capital control, currency non-convertibility was the most restrictive form of control. The government was the only one permitted to have the exclusive authority to hold foreign currency and to also to give it out to importers that had been approved by the government. Countries that fixed their exchange rates at levels that were unacceptable could therefore be monitored through this system (Eicher et al, 2009:470). Kitschel (1999, p. 38) further expounds that the capital controls were viewed as instruments of exchange rate stabilization and also as means of securing full employment and other national economic priorities. Additionally the system condoned the controls not only for short term management of balance-of –payment crises but also for the purpose of domestic economic management. The limited capital-account convertibility was the most common form of restriction. It enabled the system to place limits and know who had the right and accessibility to foreign exchange rates. Moreover, qualitative restrictions were also put in place which urged for the limitations on the external asset and liability position of domestic financial institutions. The controls were also placed on foreign banks domestic operations as well as on resident firms’ and on individuals’ direct savings, collection of foreign possessions and real estate property. Dual or multiple exchange rate system was another form of capital control that involved discrete rates for either commercial or financial transactions (Kitschel, 1999:39). Therefore the system allowed members to regulate international capital movements as long as they did not restrict payment for current external transactions. Although currencies would be freely convertible into one another after a transaction period, members were allowed to place capital controls on currency transactions if such capital flows threatened to overwhelm the nation’s balance on payment or exchange rate stability (McNamara, 2003:75). Forces challenging the system Although the Bretton Woods system was important to the economic prosperity after the Second World War, it nevertheless failed to support the equally rapid growth in the advanced countries over the next 25 years. One of the reasons according to Kenen (1994, p. 7) is the fact that the permanence and malleability of the system was slowly being destabilized by the postwar system. There were two vital roles of the Bretton Woods system. The first goal was geared towards producing exchange rates that were stable through the use of capital control and the second goal was meant to shield member nations from the shifting demands brought about by the flow of gold. Nonetheless, these goals highly contradicted each other because the system could not guarantee that global prices would remain stable as it lacked an effective technique. Additionally, the founders of the Bretton Woods system explicitly designed the system in an effort to disentangle international monetary relations from power politics. Nonetheless postwar monetary relations were highly politicized and required constant political interventions to keep the system functioning smoothly. Another flaw of the Bretton Woods design was that it lacked an effective, automatic mechanism to adjust and settle payment imbalances that inevitably arose between surplus and deficit countries. Under this system, a country that had a payment deficit most probably lost its gold which decreased the domestic monetary base and resulted in a decline in the currency’s purchasing power. Inevitably, the country’s imports would fall, exports would rise and the payment would eventually balance. However, the loss of gold and the decrease in money supply also meant that there would be a fall in the cumulative domestic demand, which meant deflation or even the possibility of depression. These structural problems assured that chronic balance of payments would mushroom into full-scale political problems, both domestically and between nations (Gavin,:6). Originally, the Bretton Woods system was designed to produce stable exchange rates while at the same time shielding national economies from demand shifts produced by the flow of gold (Gavin,:6). The founders wanted to set monetary arrangements that could combine the advantage of classic gold standard i. e. the exchange rate stability with the advantage of floating rates i. e. the independence to pursue national full employment policies. They mainly sought to avoid the defects of floating rates (destabilizing speculation and competitive beggar-than-thou-neighour policies). The disadvantage of fixed rates is that individual nations were exposed to both monetary and real shocks transmitted from the rest of the world via the balance of payment and other channels of transmission. The common world price level under the gold standard exhibited secular periods of deflation and inflation which reflected shocks to the demand for and supply of gold (Bordo et al, 1993:1). Countries like Germany and Japan were reluctant to import foreign inflation and this could have attributed to the eventual collapse of the system. In the long run this broke the credibility of the fixed exchange rate commitment among countries and the willingness of the central bank of several countries to cooperate in order to maintain the fixed parities. In other words the system failed because the commitment by the US of fixed equality was not reliable due to the inflation that was accelerating (King, 2003:33). The collapse of the Bretton Woods system is also related to the increasing speculative capital flows. With time as the dollar continued to decline, the US economy was unable to assure other countries that the dollar could be converted to gold at the fixed parity. In this view, the collapse of the system was related to the escalating in and out movements of capital and the lack of capacity of the dominant country, the US to control them (King, 2003:32). In conclusion the end of the Bretton Woods period can be said to have come when President Richard Nixon finally suspended the official conversion of the dollar into gold at $35 an ounce, shut down the gold window and cut the exchange rate system loose. Importance of the Euromarkets The growth of the Euromarkets has been directly linked to the expansion of the US multinational firms, and the consequent expansion of US banking abroad. This growth of the market and its development coincided with the increasing pressure of the US economy and the recoveries witnessed in the capitalist economy. The Eurodollar market therefore took over aspects of a developed domestic credit system since it was operating globally and independently from the central banks. Therefore, Britain which was a low-productivity and low-wage country became the center of global finance due to the contribution of the Eurodollar market. London developed as a center of global circulation of capital and hence became the world’s leading Eurodollar market. The regulation of the currency which allowed the partial and finally the full convertibility of the pound for those who were neither residents of the dollar or the sterling are some of the factors that brought about the growth and development of the Eurodollar market (Patel, 2007:1). This market was deemed important as it helped in redistributing surplus liquidity, in facilitating adjustments of internal liquidity in countries whose monetary systems rely on the import and export of short term funds through banks as a major monetary regulator. The Eurodollar market also helped to maintain world business activity at a high level by the availability of short term working funds. The Nixon Shock The Nixon Shock is termed as a series of economic measures that were taken by the then US president Richard Nixon in 1971. This decision was reached upon by various events which included: the Vietnam War that had become too costly and had drained the gold reserves of US, the increased domestic spending that accelerated inflation, the balance of payment deficit by US and trade deficit (Engdahl, 2003:1). Additionally, the US dollar foreign arbitrage had also caused the governments gold coverage of the paper dollar to decline by 33 points from 55% to 22%. Therefore in 1971, President Nixon imposed tariffs on all imports of 10 per cent to help reduce the trade deficit though it was removed in December the same year. At the same time, a freeze was put on wages and prices for a period of 90 days in a bid to lower inflation with the Federal Reserve Swap ending its support for other central banks. The convertibility of the dollar into gold was also ended and a limitation on gold transactions was put implying a decrease in the value of the dollar. This announced detached the US from the Bretton Woods system which collapsed from operation. After the gold convertibility of the dollar was suspended and flexible exchange rates emerged (James, 2010:1). After the Nixon shock, the US realized that it could exert more global influence through US treasury debt than from trade surpluses. In the 1970s oil was the only key commodity traded in dollars. This was due to the fact that the dollar was the only currency with the highest purchasing power and the only one that was backed by gold (Dammasch, 2010:6). As a result the US realized that the other nations would continue to demand for dollars for them to buy oil which was by now inflated in price. Thereafter, US trade partners had so many dollars in their reserves that they feared to create a dollar crisis. Instead they inflated and eventually weakened their own economies to support the dollar system as they feared a global collapse. Therefore when the price of oil increased in 1973 the dollar surprisingly continued to gain despite countries like Japan, Germany and the rest of the world suffering from severe economic destruction (Engdahl, 2003:1). Nonetheless, these measures did not help to restore or even quicken the economic growth rates of US or even correct the surplus reserves of dollars in Japan and Germany. From there henceforth, all the currencies of the Western nations began to ‘float’. There were no longer set exchange rates in the international market since the common link that was there before i. e. the Bretton Woods System, no longer existed. Ultimately, by the end of 1974, the price of gold had risen to $195 from $35 per troy ounce. As a result, due to unrestrained inflation there was a155% increase in the price of gold in a period of three years (James, 2010:1). Yom Kippur War The Yom Kippur War named after the Jewish holiest holiday, Yom Kippur began on October 1973 when Syrian and Egyptian forces backed by Soviet Forces launched attacks on Israel forces in the Golan Heights and Sinai in an attempt to recapture the land occupied by Israelites. However, despite the surprise attack on Israel, they emerged victorious due to the immense backing from US who provided them with weapons and intelligence. Therefore in a bid to punish the Western world for their aid to Israel, the Arab nations placed the oil embargo. This was initially political tactic meant to pressure the US into requesting Israel to withdraw from the Arab territories. However, with time the Arabs used it as an economic tactic when they realized the amount of power they had over the world through oil. The prices of oil thereafter quadrupled and continued to be a threat not only to America’s economy but also to the whole world. After the Yom Kippur war the OPEC member states struck back against the West for their support of Israel by imposing an oil embargo which increased oil prices by 70%. Lending by Private Banks to Developing Nations The origin of the debt crisis in the Third World countries has been attributed to the expansion of banking society in the US at an international level together with the rapid economic growth in the world. Before the oil price crisis of 1973-74 began, the real domestic product growth rate of developing countries averaged 6% annually. However, though the rate of growth had slowed down for the reminder of the 1970s it averaged 4-5%. This growth nonetheless generated new interests by the US corporate investment and similarly by other international banks. This multinationalism in providing financial services contributed to the emergence of the Eurodollar market which gave the US banks access to funds that they could undertake Third World Loans on a large scale. Additionally, the sharp rise in crude oil accelerated the expansion in lending (LCD debt crisis, 2010:192). The oil-exporting countries in the Arab world deposited their profits made during the oil crisis in banks in the European and US banks. This further fueled the lending boom. Since the banks had now been provided with more funds they became eager to make profits and hence invested it in developing nations by financing new development projects. The abrupt increase in oil prices brought about instant inflation into the prices of all other commodities. Moreover, the developing countries which had been crippled by these high oil prices saw this as an opportunity to borrow cheap money from the international banks so that they could offset the huge deficits ((LCD debt crisis, 2010:192; Schmulker, 2004:2). These funds that were known as petrodollars and had been recycled back to developing nations therefore generated inflationary pressures around the industrial world and created the debt crisis in developing nations (Cypher and Dietz, 2008:204). US High Interest Rates The developing nations during the 1970s were given loans at very low interest rates. However, this situation changed when the US in the early 1980s pushed up the interest rates of loans in an endeavor to stop inflation. This meant that the loans that had been lent out to Third World nations by US or other lending banks in Europe had to paid back with huge interests rates. Hence, by the 1980s the economy of Third World nations had began to stagnate and many nations were on the verge of bankruptcy due to the combination of mounting debts and low economic growth rates. The total debt had amounted to $567 billion and the high interest rates forced them to take out new loans which increased the burden (Jauch, 2009:1). This dismal situation was further compounded by the oil shock of 1973 and 1979. This decision by OPEC crippled the economies of many Third World nations with the cost of imported energy rising. Therefore, the culminative result of this crisis saw many developing nations especially those in Latin America unable to pay their debts during this period. IMF Structural Adjustment Programmes When it became evident that these nations would be unable to service their loans, the IMF came up with conditions which were dubbed Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAP) to solve the debt crisis among developing countries (Shimko, 2009:168). The SAP was proposed by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund which were formed during the Bretton Woods period. These programmes imposed various conditions for countries especially developing ones that intended to borrow more loans (Jauch, 2009:1). IMF claimed that these reforms were necessary for promoting the economic growth needed to pay back the loans. The IMF required reforms to be carried out in the respective countries before aid could be provided. For example, Mexico whose debt burden grew faster than its own economy was loaned money by IMF to prevent a default. However, Mexico had to certain economic reforms before the loan could be dispatched. Although the conditions imposed on the developing nations differed, the same basic conditions were expected of all the nations (Shimko, 2009:168). The various key reforms according to Shimko 2009:169 included: †¢ Balancing of government budgets: this entailed either increasing the revenue for the government (providing new fees for government services) or drastically reducing the government spending. †¢ Reducing quotas, tariffs and other import barriers: this was aimed at subjecting the domestic industries to international competition. †¢ Liberalization of the capital market: this basically meant reducing the restrictions on foreign investment. †¢ Reducing government subsidies to domestic industries: these subsidies are those that had been part of import substitution strategies. †¢ Privatizing or selling the government-owned industries to the private sector. Nonetheless, these conditions did not alleviate the dire economic nor bring any economic development but rather the conditions intensified the existing situation. Although IMF studies claimed that the growth rates in countries under this programme increased from -15% in the 1980s to only 0. 3% in the early 1990s and 1% by mid-1990s, the World bank declared that there was no evidence whatsoever to account for any economic growth (Shimko, 2009:178). Additionally, lack of government subsidies or protection from foreign competition forced domestic industries to reduce their costs by lowering wages or by laying off workers. Therefore the liberalization of trade and the opening up of economies to unrestricted foreign investment had a deleterious impact on the poor nations and people (Shimko, 2009:177). Effects of the High Oil Prices in the 1970s As a result of the Bretton Woods system and the oil shock, a new wave of globalization began. Recession was prevalent with unemployment peaking at 9. 1% industrial production went down by 15% and high inflation in all areas. Additionally, when the Bretton Woods system of fixed exchange rates collapsed, countries were now opened up to greater capital mobility and they also retained the autonomy of their monetary policies. The Brandy Bonds came into existence when Mexico’s Minister of Finance announced that the country would be forced to default on its debt. The default on loans worsened as more banks in developing nations informed the IMF and Chairman of the Federal Reserve of their inability to service their debts in time (LDC debt crisis, 2010:191). The Brandy Bonds in a bid to resolve the debt crisis of the 1980 not only led to the subsequent development of the bonds market but also brought about a new phenomenon especially for emerging economies. Moreover, technological advancement, privatization and deregulation (which resulted in the corporate culture with national interests of decreasing consideration in business decisions) made foreign direct investment and equity investment in the emerging markets even more attractive for households and firms in the developed nations (Schmulker, 2004:2). Overall, there was a severe recession which hit the hardest the Western world. In Wall Street, oil stocks performed well due to the price increase as the profits soared as the rest of the market buckled under the low prices. Before the oil embargo was imposed by OPEC members, the price of crude oil was mainly determined by major oil companies in the West which retained 65% of the revenue of the oil. This type of arrangement was referred to as oligopolistic market arrangement. This meant that oil prices that had been posted in the market were established with the taxes and royalties paid to the exporting governments on the basis of this price. However following the embargo, property rights were transferred to the host countries from the major companies that had operated the industry and hence the cartel was able to take over the functions of the companies and retain more of the revenue generated Thereafter, the determination of crude oil price was passed into the hands of OPEC which set an official selling price for the best known among its crude. At the same time individual members were given the opportunity to adjust their selling prices in relation to this market according to the quality of the oil being produced (Trumbore, 2010:1). The continued high oil prices encouraged the exploration and subsequently the production of oil in high-cost oil regions such as Canada, Mexico, and North Sea. During the 1970, the increased demand of fossil fuels and increased prices for the product greatly reduced globalization. As the nations became more advanced, the rate of globalization declined. Although globalization grew for a while after the embargo, the rate of growth began to decline as the oil prices decreased (Okogu, 2003:1). The oil embargo impacted severely on the economy of Japan resulting in energy price inflation since by this time it was the only developed nation that relied heavily on oil with very few hydrocarbon reserves or any other alternatives. Japan was therefore forced to reconsider its industrial model. The oil shocks catalyzed the rapid turnaround which enabled Japan to become the leading energy efficiency country. The petroleum Supply and Demand Optimization Law was aimed at setting oil targets and restricting oil use. Japan’s vision after the oil embargo was to reduce its dependence of oil from the Middle East, therefore it started to charge import taxes on all petroleum products especially those that were used to generate power. Japan therefore became a pioneer in liquefied natural gas which today accounts for half of the worlds market. During this period, Japanese car brands like Toyota and Honda which had previously sold poorly enjoyed enormous success in the US market. Americans who had traditionally been fond of big cars were now confronted with a new challenge that included higher oil prices accompanied by long queues at the gas stations and rationing of gasoline. They therefore began to demand more of the Japanese brands for their small size and fuel-efficiency (Stewart and Wilczewski, 2009:1). Conclusion Even today, the Dollar System is still the real source of global inflation since t is the only global reserve currency as it has been witnessed worldwide since the 1971. Other countries in the world have to ensure that the reserves of their central banks are in dollars if they are to trade in the international market. This helps to guarantee against currency crisis, to back their export trade and to finance the importation of oil. Today, 67% of all central bank reserves are dollars (Engdahl, 2003:1). The debt crisis in the 1970s created by various variables including the oil embargo, the unprecedented borrowing and poor economic planning crippled the economy of many developing nations in Africa and Latin America. Despite efforts by the World Bank and IMF to offset these payment balances, the situation remained virtually unchanged. Ironically, other countries like Japan and US though they were affected by the rise in oil prices, were able to rise above the situation through oil exploration in their own countries which reduced their reliance on the imported oil from Middle East. Therefore, though the oil embargo did touch the economies of all the different nations, the degree and intensity was not the same. While other countries were completely devastated e. g. Third World nations others in the West found ways of reviving and even propelling their economies to greater heights. References Bordo, M, Eichengreen, B and National Bureau of Economic Research (1993). Bretton Woods System: A Retrospect. London. University of Chicago Press. Dammasch, S. (2010). The Bretton Woods System. [Online:] Available from http://www. ww. uni-magdeburg. de/fwwdeka/student/arbeiten/006. pdf Dietz, J and Cypher, J. (2008). Economic Development Process. New York. Taylor Francis. Eicher, T, Mutti, J and Turnovsky, M. (2009). International Economics. Taylor Francis. Engdahl, W. (2003). The Dollar System US Economic Reality. [Online:] Available from http://www. engdahl. oilgeopolitics. net/1973_Oil_Shock/Dollar_System/dollar_system. html Garber, P, Dooley, M and Folkerts-Landau, D. (2005). International Financial Stability. [Online:] Available from http://people. ucsc. edu/~mpd/InternationalFinancialStability_update. pdf Gavin, F. The Cold War Gold Battles. American Monetary Policy the Defense of Europe, 1960-1963. [Online:] Available from http://www. utexas. edu/lbj/faculty/gavin/articles/gold_battles. pdf Jauch, H. (2009). How Africa was destroyed by the World Bank, IMF- Structural Adjustment Programmes (SAP). [Online]: Available from http://www. newsrescue. com/2009/05/how-the-imf-world-bank-and-structural-adjustment-programsap-destroyed-africa/ Kenen, P. (1994). Managing World Economy. Washington. Institute for international Economics. King, E, J. (2003). The Elgar Companion Economics. Cheltenham. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited. Kitschelt, H. (1999). Continuing Change in Contemporary Capitalism. Cambridge. Cambridge University. Okogu, B. (2003). Changing Oil Market in North Africa Middle East. 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Sunday, October 13, 2019

Dreams Do Come True :: Personal Narrative Writing

Dreams Do Come True Dreams do come true. Everyone in their life has a dream or two or three. Finding the way to achieve your dreams, goals, and aspirations is an epic journey on its own. It takes discipline, determination, and self -exploration. This is the tale of the journey I am still currently on. As a child I always wanted to be in the spotlight. I was always the ham in family pictures, the one who had to excel past my brother, and be in the know of everything. When I was about twelve years old, I realized that entertaining people was what I was all about. Since I wasn’t any good at telling the jokes around the campfire or singing acappella, I thought about trying my dance skills. I liked dancing and I have always enjoyed music videos like Janet Jackson’s â€Å"Miss you much†, so I thought why not? What did I have to lose? With the support of my parents, particularly my mom, I went for the gusto. Like any first experience we remember all the details of the event. I remember my first dance class at J in Jazz Dance Studio. I was under the instruction of Julie Pederson who was one of the young faces in my little town of Sierra Vista. I was thirteen and thought that the class was awesome. Now if you are under the impression that I was great the first time around you are wrong. I was the one goofy awkward kid who was there having fun. Julie thought that I would be gone by the end of three months because I couldn’t hack it. She was just glad that I was there having fun and being a good student. According to some experts, since I started after the age of ten I was not supposed to be any good. Just six months after starting, something somewhere happened to both me and my dance ability. I was put on the competition/performance team, and then I just kept excelling from there. Every year or two, I was put on a higher more difficult team. Dreams Do Come True :: Personal Narrative Writing Dreams Do Come True Dreams do come true. Everyone in their life has a dream or two or three. Finding the way to achieve your dreams, goals, and aspirations is an epic journey on its own. It takes discipline, determination, and self -exploration. This is the tale of the journey I am still currently on. As a child I always wanted to be in the spotlight. I was always the ham in family pictures, the one who had to excel past my brother, and be in the know of everything. When I was about twelve years old, I realized that entertaining people was what I was all about. Since I wasn’t any good at telling the jokes around the campfire or singing acappella, I thought about trying my dance skills. I liked dancing and I have always enjoyed music videos like Janet Jackson’s â€Å"Miss you much†, so I thought why not? What did I have to lose? With the support of my parents, particularly my mom, I went for the gusto. Like any first experience we remember all the details of the event. I remember my first dance class at J in Jazz Dance Studio. I was under the instruction of Julie Pederson who was one of the young faces in my little town of Sierra Vista. I was thirteen and thought that the class was awesome. Now if you are under the impression that I was great the first time around you are wrong. I was the one goofy awkward kid who was there having fun. Julie thought that I would be gone by the end of three months because I couldn’t hack it. She was just glad that I was there having fun and being a good student. According to some experts, since I started after the age of ten I was not supposed to be any good. Just six months after starting, something somewhere happened to both me and my dance ability. I was put on the competition/performance team, and then I just kept excelling from there. Every year or two, I was put on a higher more difficult team.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

An Analysis of Brooks First Fight.Then Fiddle Essay -- First Fight.Th

An Analysis of Brooks' First Fight.Then Fiddle  Ã‚   Gwendolyn Brooks' "First fight. Then Fiddle." initially seems to argue for the necessity of brutal war in order to create a space for the pursuit of beautiful art. The poem is more complex, however, because it also implies both that war cannot protect art and that art should not justify war. Yet if Brooks seems, paradoxically, to argue against art within a work of art, she does so in order create an artwork that by its very recognition of art's costs would justify itself. Brooks initially seems to argue for the necessity of war in order to create a safe space for artistic creation. She suggests this idea quite forcefully in the paired short sentences that open the poem: "First fight. Then fiddle." One must fight before fiddling for two reasons. First, playing the violin would be a foolish distraction if an enemy were threatening one's safety; it would be, as the phrase goes, "fiddling while Rome burns." Second, fighting the war first would prepare a safe and prosperous place where one could reasonably pursue the pleasures of music. One has to "civilize a space / Wherein to play your violin with grace." It should be noted further that while Brooks writes about securing a "civilized" place to play the violin, she seems clearly to be using this playing as an image for art in general, as her more expansive references to "beauty" or "harmony" suggest. Nonetheless, much that Brooks writes about the necessity to fight before fiddling indicates the she does not support this idea, at least not fully. For example, Brooks describes making beautiful music as being "remote / A while" from "malice and murdering." In addition to the negative way Brooks describes war in this line, ... ...ultural prestige of violin playing. Indeed, as an emblem of Western civility (one thinks of Renaissance sonnets), the sonnet might be involved in the very justification of the destruction of other less "civilized" peoples that the poem condemns. One might wonder why Brooks produces poetry, especially the sonnet, if she also condemns it. I would suggest that by critically reckoning the costs of sonnet-making Brooks brings to her poetry a self-awareness that might justify it after all. She creates a poetry that, like the violin playing she invokes, sounds with "hurting love." This "hurting love" reminds us of those who may have been hurt in the name of the love for poetry. But in giving recognition to that hurt, it also fulfills a promise of poetry: to be more than a superficial social "grace," to teach us something we first did not, or did not wish to, see.   

Friday, October 11, 2019

Organizational Behavior in Garment Industry Essay

In contention with the economic health of a country like Bangladesh, it’s due to the garments sector of the industrial enterprise in Bangladesh that’s keeping the country’s economy stabled and in intended direction. The garment industry of Bangladesh has been the key export division and a main source of foreign exchange for the last 25 years. At present, the country generates about $5 billion worth of products each year by exporting garment. The industry provides employment to about 3 million workers of whom 90% are women. Two non-market elements have performed a vital function in confirming the garment industry’s continual success; these elements are (a) quotas under Multi- Fibred Arrangement1 (MFA) in the North American market and (b) special market entry to European markets, Bangladesh’s industrial base, which has remained stagnant over the past two decades, is very narrow, contributing to about 11. 5 percent of the GDP (BBS, 2001). Within this narrow industrial sector, however, the ready-made garments (RMG) industry has flourished as its most dynamic sector. Five basic models have been developed on which â€Å"garments industry† organizational behavior is based. Autocratic Model: This is the most common model on which most garments factories are based. Here the managers or the leaders are firmly in control, and obedience is considered to be a virtue. All decisions come from the management and the rest just follow the instructions. Custodial Model: Here the management acts as a custodian of the welfare of its employees. They are provided money and security, and the employees in turn follow the diktats of the organization. The orientation is towards providing security, and less towards providing them an opportunity to be independent and leaders Supportive Model: As is evident from the name, here the emphasis is on support being provided by the managers to the employees. Here the employees are encouraged to improve their performance, and they are awarded recognition for their achievements. This results in an overall improvement, since a good result is praised and rewarded. Collegial Model: Here the emphasis is on partnership between all parts of an organization. Self-discipline and responsibility are encouraged and employees are encouraged to achieve the goals that they set for themselves. Teamwork is emphasized. The System Model: Managers and employees don’t see the business only rather they work together for the better product for society, environment, etc. Limitation: Bangladesh garment industry still now is not that much developed. When we prepare the report in Delta Composite they don’t even have their garments profile. We found so many difficulties in searching information. Foreign buyers English is not that much clear. There are many code names in garments industry that is very important for production process, and we have memorized those codes. In garments factory most of the employees doesn’t have any educational background they do their job only with experiences. Scope: During preparing our report we have got chances to visit many buying house, supervise many production process, & completed many sample program. This report gives a narrative overview of the delta composite knitting industries Ltd. and its operation Organizational Behavior Organizational Behavior is the study and application of knowledge about how people as individual or as groups act within organizations. Goals of organizational behavior There are some goals of organizational behavior which are as follows: Describe: The first goal is to describe, systematically how people behave under a variety of conditions. Achieving this goal allows managers to communicate about human behavior at work using a common language. Understand: A second goal is to understand any people behave as they do. The managers would be frustrated if they could talk about behavior of their employees, but not understand the reasons behind those actions. Predict: The managers would have capacity to predict which employees might be dedicated and productive or which ones might have absent, cause problem. And thus the managers could take preventive actions. Control: The final goal of OB is to control and develop some human activity at work. Since managers are held responsible for performance outcome, they are vitally interested in being able to make an impact on employee behavior, skill development, team effort, and productivity. Managers need to be able to improve results through the actions they and their employees take, and organizational behavior can aid them in their pursuit of this goal.